About This File
Fullbody ready, dance friendly ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Colliders + Dynamics setup / Breast-Butt jiggles
11+ custom face gestures (mixable, prevented from bugging)
RalivDps setted with constraints(2lights), Only Ori Points!(5).
Memory toggles for Adjust/ Color Adjust/ SfwCloth-Toggles
Smooth and Advanced Re-Color Menu for Hair, Clothes, Boots, no material swaps! (opti).
2 Front Hairs, 2 Back Hairs, 2 Front Braids, every part adjustable separate!
Clothes Color - 7 Leggings Alternative, 7 Sweater Alternatives, 5 Boots Colors (see video)
Colors Adjust - Tan Skin/ 7 Hair Colors, supported with Hue Shift+ Eyes Hue
Mistletoe Toggle - To hand/ To Neck
Locomotion On/ Off Toggle
Frozen Breath Toggle
Marker Toggle
Adjust Toggles
Fox Ears , Fox Ears Alternative, Fox Tail
Glasses, Rest Face or Cute Face Idle, Scarf Form
Clothes Toggles
Scarf1, Scarf2, Sweater, Leggings, Boots, Socks, PomPom, Bra, Panties, Pasties
Package Install Guideline ( +model notes) -
New Unity Project 2019.4.31f1
SDK 3.0
Dynamic Bone Script
Poiyomi Toon (included)
4.1 Optional, Metallic Shader(for rings).
Model Package
Open Malaya Scene
note. For pom-poms u can use poi pro fur shader or xiexe fur, would look cute!
note. For the Breast Size you can check it scale, originally it scaled down for my preferences, but with 1.1.1 scale u can have breast bigger, yet natural.
note. Piercing can be taken off in Unity, check Body mesh Shapekays
SDK Version
Shaders used
Poiyomi Pro