About This File
- Ash -
- Features
- 80+ Toggles!
- Custom quickmenu icons
- Butterfly knife that you can play with
- Cat follower system with options to enable the cat to follow someone else
- Slappable booty and face with audio (leaves a mark that fades)
- Face reactions when Slapped, Tail pulled or Leash pulled
- 2 Hair styles, can also combine both hairstyles
- 2 Eye styles
- 5 Face piercing options
- 2 Sets of shoes
- Hair Black/White color toggle
- Light/Dark skin toggles
- Shiny/Oily skin toggles for body and head
- Tattoo toggle
- Separate hue shifts for Hair/Accessories
- Tons of clothing toggles
- Skirt with cloth physics
- Cat ears/tail toggles
- Maid outfit closet
- Tiddy size radial puppet
- GoGoLocomotion for much improved desktop and half-body experience
- Sleightlyball system with custom Cat pets
- VRLabs Pen
- DPS (PP, VV, Mouth, Tiddy, Hands, Feet)
SDK Version
Shaders used
Poiyomi (Any verison)
Poiyomi Pro
Poiyomi Pro
Extra Gear
DPS (Dynamic Penetration System)