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A platform thats 7 years strong!
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Posts posted by MinerSpark

    • Each new member will have to post atleast 10 content before all new posts are approved
    • Each new member needs 5 approved content count before downloads unlock.
    • Each new member is locked to 12 downloads per day (Sadly failed downloads also count) Was implemented before this post, just wanst state
    • Deleting your content will get you auto banned, Don't play dumb.
    • Paying for account creation doesn't bypass this, Its still a natural function of the website.

    Content count, Gallery posts, Topics  & Download posts, eg, all posts will need admin/mod approval.

    Statuses don't count towards content count.

    Legendary Users Are immune to this

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 3
    • ExcuseMe 1
    • Ok 1
    • Stop 1
  1. List here reasons why you think you should become staff of our site & what role of staff you want to become.

    Staff benfits will be listed in the future.

    Nobody can see the submitted applications but Staff & Staff alone

    Warning points will be issued if a post is submitted before 150+ content posts.

    What we expect as our Minimum requirements for becoming a staff member of any kind:

    • Require a min of 150+ Content post count
    • Previous positivity towards our community in previous topics & towards other users.
    • To have been a member of this forum for a minimum of 3 Months/90 days.
    • The ability to contact admin's immediately without hesitation if a problem cannot be resolved by yourself.
    • Proititize rules before you speak or take action, When unsure contact and admin or higherup.

    We'll need to know personal infomation such as:

    • Your location/timezone.
    • Your age.
    • What times you're expecting to be online at, and what will you be doing during those times?
    • Any previous experience you have in moderation/support.

    Please list the following in the title of your post

    • The role you want to apply for.
    • Your timezone E.G UK/UTC+0 Or East coast/+6 EST

    Now explain here why You want to become staff and why we should select you over someone else?


  2. A referral system has been setup for anyone you want to invite to join the forums, Currently all referrers gain 2% commission on ANY & ALL Purchases made. (Includes any kind of Purchase including donations to the forums.(Subject to change in the future.))

    You can find the links Here:


  3. This is the current list, Still growing to modify and adapt in the future

    Head Administrator
    Training Team
    Super Moderator
    Head Promoter
    Head Support Team
    Support Team
    Lifetime Sponser
    $100+ Donator
    OG Members
    Legendary User
    Veteran User
    Trusted User
    Known User
    New User


  4. Added a set of diffirent available reactions for topic.

    posts heres how they are at the moment.

    The -1 // +1's are community rep to show whos a great or bad poster.


    • ExcuseMe 1
    • Ok 1
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