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How to fix avatar poses offset from floor

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I keep having a problem with Auri when I upload it, the different sitting poses won't activate when I get closer to the floor, my feet just clip into the floor, at some point it does start to change pose.
The lower half is just frozen, but it stands on the floor correctly, there's another public Auri avatar with the same bug, I can't figure out how to fix it.
The public Auri avatar ID: avtr_64205dd0-0e79-4ae4-8e52-7bed20cc1990
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~~I figured out the issue, the Base layer had a missing controller instead of the default controller~~

EDIT: I included the Base/Locomotion layer used in many public Auri avatars, if anyone wants it

EDIT2: Nevermind, that didn't fix my original issue, it just fixed desktop sitting/laying, still not using animations when in VR, but Nirvash's Locomotion works perfectly fine
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7 hours ago, DisguisedPickle said:

EDIT2: Nevermind, that didn't fix my original issue, it just fixed desktop sitting/laying, still not using animations when in VR, but Nirvash's Locomotion works perfectly fine

Thanks for keeping us updated :)

I will probably use Nirvash's loco layer myself, Ive always hated wetcats loco layer and its always caused me problems.


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I figured out the problem in the end, it was that fix, but you need more than just that file, you need all the animation files it seems, I don't fully understand the stuff but if anyone wants files I used to fix it.
There's probably a bunch of unused animations but I don't know how it all works, just that it fixed my problem and has the sit/crouch animations I like.
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